Beauty and the Beast is a timeless fairy tale about inner beauty and transformative love. The story begins with a wealthy merchant who, after losing his fortune, moves his family to a modest home. Among his three children, Beauty stands out for her kindness and humility, contrasting sharply with her vain and spoiled sisters. One day, while traveling to restore his wealth, the merchant stumbles upon an opulent, mysterious castle in the woods. After picking a rose from the castle’s garden as a gift for Beauty, he is confronted by the Beast, the castle’s fearsome master. The Beast demands retribution for the theft, and the merchant must send one of his children to live with the Beast as punishment. To save her father, Beauty offers to go in his place. In the Beast’s enchanted castle, Beauty initially struggles with fear but soon discovers that the castle is filled with magical, talking objects that treat her with kindness. Over time, she learns that the Beast is not as terrifying as he seems, and their relationship begins to grow. Despite the magical comforts, Beauty misses her family and is granted permission to visit them, with the condition that she must return promptly. During a prolonged visit home, Beauty’s family faces difficulties, and she stays longer than intended. The Beast falls into a deep sorrow and becomes ill from her absence. Realizing her love for the Beast, Beauty rushes back to the castle. Her heartfelt confession breaks the spell, revealing the Beast as a prince. The curse is lifted, and Beauty and the prince marry, living happily ever after. The story underscores the idea that true love transcends appearances and can heal even the deepest wounds.
愛瑪·夏洛特·杜麗·屈臣 1990年4月15日—[2]),英國女演員、模特兒、導演、社會活動家。 |
丹尼爾·強納森·「丹」·史蒂文斯 (英語:Daniel Jonathan "Dan" Stevens,1982年10月10日—),英国男演员和製片人。 |